Comptoir du Cidre 

Comptoir du Cidre import hand selected French Cidre for those thirsting after something other than a German beer.

I was asked to help them elevate their new cidre ‘Lulu de Mer’ above the competition. Other producers used fairly traditional approaches to selling their product, so after ruling out orchards, wheel barrows, beige and garden shed aesthetics, we set out to create 'Lulu' the man. Lulu the brand.

Lulu is an old sea dog, travelling the globe in search of the finest fermented pome refreshments.  And he's gone down a storm. If you pardon the pun.

This favourable reception was partly responsible for the dismantling of the CDC stall in Copenhagen, where everyone wanted a piece of Lulu! Subsequently, I’m very happy to say CDC are expanding this beyond a label and into a range, with Lulu’s girlfriend ‘Hespere’ joining it in June.

Lulu label design

Lulu label design

Lulu and Hesperé label designs and an original (rejected) concept

Lulu and Hesperé label designs and an original (rejected) concept

Since the first label, Lulu’s been joined by Hespere, his siren girlfriend and the visual language is now being extended out to cover other areas of the business.

Hesperé label design

Hesperé label design

Lulu and Hesperé bottles on display

Lulu and Hesperé bottles on display

Client: Comptoir du Cidre    Agency: N/A