

 In an increasingly competitive market, McDonalds looks to strenthen It’s position with fresher products and improved customer service

McDonalds has felt pressure from ‘premium’ fast food outlets such as Five Guys and Shake Shack in the USA. To counter this, and to gain a head start in Europe, McDonalds looked to improve not only the way it creates it’s food, but also how it serves it.

This includes; table service, seperate order and pick up areas, interactive tablet menus and improved workflow areas that mean burgers are always cooked fresh to order and delivered within 2 minutes.

Obviously these improved services and features come at a price. Our task was to convince 500 franchise owners in Germany, that the investment is worth it.

Working with Finwe, we created a google cardboard app for a major franchise owner event in Munich.The owner‘s were instructed to download the app on arrival, being given a log in when the presentation was to begin.

The VR experience itself, was a narrated walkthrough of the perfect restuarant, created on-site in Stuttgart with a 360˚ video shoot with cast.


Custom Google cardboard designs

Custom Google cardboard designs

App log in and start screens

App log in and start screens

In App view

In App view


Client: McDonalds   Agency: B-Reel (Berlin)